April 07, 08, 09, 10, & 11, 2025 9:30 AM – 4:30PM each day
24 participants
Scholarships available**
Offered pending accreditation of this course. Please email Rachel at rbai@nypeace.org after you register if you are an attorney seeking CLE credit for this course. The course is appropriate for non-attorneys, newly admitted attorneys, and/or experienced attorneys.
The training will examine the dynamics of conflict and the skills mediators should use within their roles as neutrals to help facilitate dialogue and potential understanding. During the training we will explore questions like:
Chris Daly Esq. will be the lead trainer and will be joined by NYPI staff and coaches. There will be a variety of learning methods used in the training including simulations, role plays, practice exercises, video clips, and dedicated question & answer sessions.
Please note that pursuant to Part 146, court-based mediation rosters require both a combination of mediation training and experience mediating. Acceptance on court rosters depends on a court’s need for mediators at any given time and may include a court’s need for mediators with specific case-type training or experience and mediation experience. Final placement on any court roster is at the discretion of the local Administrative Judge.
*Because of the interactive nature of the training, attendees should be prepared to log onto Zoom with their camera on throughout the entire training.
**Financial Aid: The deadline to apply for financial aid is February 23, 2025 at 11pm ET.
May 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16, 2025 9AM – 5PM each day Please note that to obtain your certificate, you must attend the entire training.
24 participants
Offered pending accreditation of this course. Please email Rachel at rbai@nypeace.org after you register if you are an attorney seeking CLE credit for this course. The course is appropriate for non-attorneys, newly admitted attorneys, and/or experienced attorneys.
This training lays the groundwork for anyone interested in becoming a mediator and enhancing their conflict resolution skills. Applicants who complete this BMT are eligible to apply, and their applications are favored, for New York Peace Institute’s Apprenticeship Program and joining our roster of volunteer community mediators.
During the training we explore questions like:
- What is mediation and how does it compare to other forms of alternative dispute resolution?
- What are the core skills I need to be an effective mediator?
- What are the foundational values of mediation?
- How can I identify and respond to power imbalances?
- How can I identify and respond to different values, cultural norms, and biases?
- What is my role as a mediator?
- What are the best practices for online mediation?
- What is a successful mediation?
Chris Daly Esq. will be the lead trainer and will be joined by NYPI staff and coaches. The training will be interactive, and a variety of learning methods will be used including:
- simulations
- role plays
- practice exercises
- video clips
- dedicated question and answer sessions
This in-person BMT will cost $1,695 per person for the full 5-day training. Scholarships are available. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is March 30, 2025, by no later than 5:00 pm ET.
Class meets for 12 weeks from the week of February 11, 2025 – April 29, 2025. Groups meet for 2.5 hours each week. The practical portion of the apprenticeship consisting of three (3) case observations and five (5) co-mediations is self-directed upon the completion of classes.
12 participants
New York Peace Institute Alumni: $975 Outside Participants: $1375***
New York Peace Institute’s Apprenticeship is a structured hands-on learning experience that blends classroom instruction with case observation and real mediation. This program is designed to equip you to become a volunteer mediator with New York Peace Institute. However, we also support the learning and development of individuals wishing to gain mediator skills and credentials for their outside practice.
Apprentices learn and practice concepts introduced in the Basic Mediation Training with greater depth in a small group setting. The course is also designed to prepare apprentices to pass New York Peace Institute’s evaluation.
Our program is approved by New York State’s Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Court Improvement Programs and is geared toward recruiting a diverse and qualified cadre of Community Dispute Resolution Center Program volunteer mediators. In other words, our goal is to train, develop, and support individuals who are passionate about mediation.
*Please note that the duration refers to the classroom-based curriculum. The full Apprenticeship, which includes co-mediating five cases and observing three, can take approximately one year to complete. ***We heavily favor applications from New York Peace Institute alumni and encourage any outside applicants to first take our Basic Mediation Training. ****Applications will close January 21, 2025 at 5pm ET.
Robert Collins, Esq.
February 28, March 1, & March 2, 2025 10am – 6pm each day
Pending accreditation, New York State attorneys receive 9.5 Professional Practice hours, 14.5 Skills hours, and .5 Ethics hours.
Please note: the only requirement to sign up is that you have taken a Basic Mediation Training.
The 3-day Divorce Mediation Training will enable mediators to practice in the complex field of divorce mediation. By the end of the training, participants will be grounded with the legal information, financial tools, mediation interventions, and personal dynamics required to act competently in the complex practice of divorce mediation. The training will cover parenting plans, child support, asset division, spousal support, taxes, insurance, and divorce filing procedures.
The course will also act as a mediation “master class” to polish pre-existing mediation skills, providing an expanded repertoire of interventions and techniques. The course blends lecture, experiential learning, and key information on New York matrimonial law.
Key Content:
Financial Aid: The deadline to apply for financial aid is January 26, 2025 at 5pm ET.
January 22 & 23, 2024 9:30am to 4:30pm daily
Through hands-on exercises, extensive role plays, group discussion, and of course movie clips and pop culture, our advanced training will build your mediator muscle memory. Whether you just completed your Basic Mediation Training, Apprenticeship, or have been mediating for years, this training provides an opportunity to receive focused coaching as you practice your craft in the company of experienced professionals.
The only requirement to register is that you have already taken a Basic Mediation Training (BMT). Please note that CLE and scholarships are not available for this training, but payment plans are available.