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Statement of Solidarity

New York Peace Institute stands in solidarity with the protesters in New York City and across the country who demonstrate courage and justifiable outrage at our nation’s historical pattern of racist attacks and murders.


We are deeply saddened by the acts of racial animus that have unfolded over the last few weeks and throughout history. The injustices against black people in this country are the result of a long, institutionalized legacy of racism, and the current focus on this important matter is long overdue.


We extend our condolences to all those who have lost loved ones in the recent turbulent weeks and to those who have been significantly and forever impacted by racialized violence throughout our country’s history.


Immediate action is necessary to transform our institutions and to end the power imbalances and legacy of injustice and inequity that pervade our City and country as a whole.


New York Peace Institute is devoted to the hard work necessary to navigate and/or resolve conflict. We vehemently support and promote difficult but critical dialogue, the use of restorative justice processes, and the widespread dissemination of peaceful de-escalation tactics.


Moving forward, we commit to speaking loudly and more frequently about the racism and inequity in our community, and we endeavor to engage in efforts to eliminate injustice, discrimination, and violence once and for all.


In peace and solidarity,

New York Peace Institute